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The following articles are provided to assist you on your journey towards becoming unconstrained.  All information provided on this website is for general use, and is not specific to your financial situation.  Please consult with your CPA and/or attorney to get advice that is specific to your needs.  Do not use this information to assist you with any financial purchase or strategic decision without first discussing the information with your CPA or attorney to determine the specific application to your needs.

Are you awake to see opportunities?

Why is it that some people have the knack to see an opportunity and seize it, and others just watch them pass by?

Detaching from the Matrix…Small steps to big rewards

We are in a mess. We got this way because people forgot that the power brokers of the world treat life like a chess game, and we think of life like a daily or hourly experience.

Walls.  What are they good for?

Anything that impedes the free trade between neighbors is a bad thing for both parties. Even the open demonstration of a lack of trust with a neighbor breeds an often inhospitable relationship and let's face it... You can't just move a country because you have an issue with a neighbor.

What will bring on the next imminet US economic collapse?

Remember 2008? Banksters created an illusion that housing prices could keep going up and up because they artificially fueled demand by creating a new customer base of people who got mortgages that previously would never have qualified.

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