This Week in Freedom Podcast

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This week in freedom podcast comes out every Friday, and is available only to Patreon subscribers.  Why?  Because this is our detailed investment & risk mitigation information.  We get right down to the stocks that Myles is buying & selling, the specific detail of investments he has uncovered and risks that he is actively dealing with.  Mixed with practical information that you can apply directly if you choose.  This is not financial advice, but if you want to specifcally know what Myles is doing, and how a contrarian operates, this is for you.  Consider subscribing to it through our PATREON channel.  You can get to it through their RSS Feed so it automatically drops into your favorite podcast player.

Episode 024 - Listener interview with Brian

Brian has an interesting story. He works in the financial services industry, has a regular 9-5 job, has a great family, etc. The perfect representation of Americana and middle class success. But he lacks hope and wants to be unconstrained. Are you Brian too? Take a listen and find out.

Episode 023 - Investment opportunities for 2020

In this episode, I’m going to take you on a little journey with me as you watch how a contrarian sees the future, and acts in order to position for what could be the best ride of the 21st century so far. Strap in and enjoy the ride.

Episode 022 - Listener interview with Alex

This is the first recorded listener interview in which Myles sits down with listener Alex and talks about his journey and challenges to be unconstrained. We hope you enjoy hearing his tale and how he has committed to the unconstrained journey.

Episode 021 - Why, exactly, do we do this again?

I speak to a lot of people who are trying to attain financial independence and the reasoning goes something like this - “I don’t like my job, so I want to make a lot of money, save it and quit.”. I also speak to those that have done that, and they are not necessarily happy either. Let’s put this all into perspective, and talk about “Why” we do this.

Episode 020 - What I did in my 20s

I was recently asked by a listener who is in his 20s, what my life looked like back then, and what did I do in my career, and what I learned from it. Let me venture down my memory lane, tell you what I learned and you might get to know me a bit better by the end of this episode. Strange thing is that I think I know myself better from recording this now.

Episode 019 - Is your income SMART?

It has taken me decades of mistakes to come to the realization of all the time wasting business endeavors that I’ve pursued and how stupid they were. Not because they didn’t make money, but because they became an albatross around my neck due to misunderstanding the entire point of Smart Income. In this episode I’m going to tell you the secrets, so you can avoid my mistakes and fast track yourself to financial freedom.

Episode 018 - The Retirement Myth

We’ve been programmed into thinking about saving for retirement like it is a ceremonial event throughout our working lives, and that if we don’t do this we are doomed to live on the street, in a cardboard box, or die early. I’m going to dispel some of these myths and explain some alternative thinking you might want to entertain in this episode.

Episode 017 - Responsibility

When I speak with people that are working a 9-5 job, investing in their 401K, etc. they ask me why they are not getting ahead. It is hard to tell them this, but I’ll tell you - it is because they are not taking any responsibility for their lives and deferred it to a third party. The unconstrained know the buck stops on their desks so let’s have a chat about responsibility.

Episode 016 - Risk Management

There is no progress without risk. Investment returns are tied to risk. You get up in the morning and live your life - that’s a risk. There are risks everywhere. The key is knowing your tolerance for risk, how to manage and live with them, and seek out enormous returns with proper risk management.

Episode 015 - The fallacies of FIRE & The Stock Market

The traditional thinking of Financial Independence is to amass a large amount of cash by savings, then invest it at interest rates that return more than a draw rate, and eventually you can retire. In this episode we are going to burst that bubble by focusing on the falacies of this approach and how Financial Sustainability offers a contrarian position that you might want to entertain.

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