This Week in Freedom Podcast

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This week in freedom podcast comes out every Friday, and is available only to Patreon subscribers.  Why?  Because this is our detailed investment & risk mitigation information.  We get right down to the stocks that Myles is buying & selling, the specific detail of investments he has uncovered and risks that he is actively dealing with.  Mixed with practical information that you can apply directly if you choose.  This is not financial advice, but if you want to specifcally know what Myles is doing, and how a contrarian operates, this is for you.  Consider subscribing to it through our PATREON channel.  You can get to it through their RSS Feed so it automatically drops into your favorite podcast player.

Episode 014 - College… Take the Red or Blue Pill?

This episode shines a light on the choice of going to college. Parents and students are trying to make the right decisions for this important choice. I am going to give you some ideas you may not be yet considering... The Red Pill approach.

Episode 013 - The Real Estate Show

I am 100% financially sustainable because of my rental real estate investments. But it didn’t start out that easily, so I’m going to share what worked and what didn’t work in my real estate portfolio and how, once you discover what works for you, you can scale it to the moon and live 100% financially independent and sustainable.

Episode 012 - The future of labor & work

History teaches us that the path to immense wealth involves punting on the future. Today I’m going to focus on what I see as innevitable changes coming to the world in the next five or ten year horizon, how this impacts those pursing financial independence and early retirement and how that may underscore the importance of being unconstrained.

Episode 011 - The Unconstrained Mindset

After a discussion with someone on Twitter on how to live unconstrained, it seemed that every answer to how to live unconstrained was rebutted with a perception on why that person couldn’t do it. Let's talk about the mindset needed to become unconstrained, because it is impossible to learn this craft if your mind isn't open to it in the first place.

Episode 010 - Constrained by China

I’ve seen with my own eyes how Australia sold itself out to China and may as well now be a province of Beijing. But this happens at the ground floor with individual decisions so let’s expose some of the danger here and what you can do to avoid becoming constrained by yet another rising empire regardless of where you live on this planet.

Episode 009 - What is Money?

Spoiler Alert: I don’t know the answer to this question. But in my quest to understand it, and the art of using it to acquire what we need, I’ve discovered many stories and hacks along the way. In this episode I’m going to tell a few of them, including an overview of my adventures with Bitcoin.

Episode 008 - Internationalization

What is the #1 thing that new retirees do? Travel. By reclaiming their right to their time, travel becomes the best use of it. But if you consider yourself to be a free spirit and a citizen of the planet, you will already know that travel comes with huge benefits and many are not obvious until you get out there and see the world. Let’s talk about why internationalization and travel are critical activities for the unconstrained.

Episode 007 - Protect Yourself

On this episode we discuss the methods of protecting yourself, your assets and your businesses in the 21st century, and how most of the time you are your own worst enemy when it comes to asset protection.

Episode 006 - Smart Healthcare

Mexico Medical tourism pays off in this episode of the Unconstrained Podcast. Learn about my major surgery experience in Guadalajara, Mexico and how you can break free of the US healthcare system and regain your freedom.

Episode 005 - Smart Income

In this episode we will talk about how to make your income with Smart money, how to focus your brain and habits to find opportunities that no one else finds, and I’ll give you a real world example one investment strategy, not the only one, but one that has worked for me before.

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