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The following articles are provided to assist you on your journey towards becoming unconstrained.  All information provided on this website is for general use, and is not specific to your financial situation.  Please consult with your CPA and/or attorney to get advice that is specific to your needs.  Do not use this information to assist you with any financial purchase or strategic decision without first discussing the information with your CPA or attorney to determine the specific application to your needs.

How COVID19 exposed the weakness in our personal finance strategies

I recently responded to a posting that someone made who had an unexpected work related injury, found themselves without work and relying on workers compensation insurance payments to survive. I realized that this unexpected disruption to income is not dissimilar to those who have lost income or a job due to COVID19. I want to do a quick debrief with you in this article, and look for what we did right and what we could all do better in case of an adverse event.

Global outsourcing is the death of your high paying US salary in 2020

The Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. If you have been enjoying big salaries at your middle class or tech job, might be time to consider cashing in your chips. The remote worker revolution might not be your friend after all. Consider this a warning.

Yes, you should be worried about civil unrest in the USA

The growing levels of riots, looting, violence on the streets, etc. have never been more intense today than at any time over the past 30 years that I’ve lived in the USA.  My first experiences of it started in about 1992 during the Los Angeles Riots in which an onlooker video taped the beating of Rodney King, causing the city to turn to violence.  But that was nothing compared to the constant barrage of violence since then all over the USA.  I want to talk about what I think is really driving this, and why this isn’t going to stop any time soon.

The real answer to why you are not getting the results you want

To quote a prominent psychologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton: "Yes, we’ve been programmed. The vast majority of programs are negative and dis-empowering. So yes, the vast majority of people on this planet are having that negative experience as well. So the next most important thing now is to recognize, “Well, if I’m not getting what I want is because the universe is not giving it to me?” and the answer is almost inevitably “No”, it’s because of your own program that’s invisible, operating 95% of the day, is keeping it away from you!"

A place for us - somewhere, a place for us

Yes, it’s a blatant quote of Barbara Streisand, but the reality is that in a world where the rich get richer, the big get bigger and the small are trampled, how does someone who is trying to just get by, not create any ripples and be financially sustainable survive?

What happens to real estate when interest rates go to 0%?

I wanted to float an idea for open discussion. When the central bankers drop interest rates, it spurs housing acquisition. Lower interest tends to feed the housing market. But what happens when you drop the interest rate to 0%? It can’t go any lower, so does this signal the end of a bull run on real estate?

The rise & rise of Bitcoin

There are two types of people who try to make money - investors & speculators. Investors are looking at fundamentals, long term positioning, etc. Speculators are looking to make quick bucks on fast trading. How does Bitcoin fit into this?

Welcome to ‘The Jetsons’ economy

Looking at the equity markets, it seems that we have reached the new age of the Nasdaq dominating the markets. Whereas regular, traditional stocks are seeing a decline in value as they are reacting more normally to the recessionary economy, the tech stocks are offsetting that with stellar earnings. What will the markets look like in 5 years time?

FIRE principles don’t work in 2020 - Let’s change them to what does

There are a bunch of reasons why FIRE isn’t going to work in 2020, whether you are looking to start the journey, or if you are on or through it. This article gives you the details of why it won't work, and what you can do to pivot and make regaining control of your future something that is within your grasp today.

Why you are broke (and what you can do to fix it)

If you are one of the 78% of people living pay check to pay check, you’ve been lied to. By your parents, your government, your friends, your teachers and your banks. I’m going to give you some tough love and some hope if you want to change things, because it CAN be changed.

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